RECIPE: Gut Healing Turmeric Veggie Soup

Healing turmeric veggie soup recipe. Yum. 

There has been one fantastic food that has helped me through my current gut healing journey: SOUP!

Soup has been my saving grace. I have relied on soup to absorb healing nutrients without annoying my gut too much. When we break down the food before it enters our mouths, we do over 90% of the digestion process. This allows our gut to rest while it’s trying to heal from the pre-existing inflammation.

MAKES 4 small servings

1/2 medium cauliflower head 

2 potatoes

1 medium zucchini 

1 medium carrot 

1 apple

2 medium celery stalks

1/4 onion (opt) 

1 cup coconut/plant milk 

1/4 cup olive oil

2 handfuls parsley finely chopped

2 tablespoons turmeric (shaved or powder)

1 heaped tablespoon of nutritional yeast

2 tablespoons ACV (opt)

2 tablespoons maple syrup

sumac to garnish

salt to taste 


Preheat oven to 425F. Peel all your veggies and then chop them up into bite-size pieces and throw them into a bowl. Add olive oil, ACV, maple syrup, nutritional yeast, turmeric, parsley, and salt. Stir into veggies before placing on a baking tray and into the oven for 35 mins. Remove veggies from the oven (leave some aside to garnish soup) and add to a pot with 2 cups of water on high heat. Add salt to taste. Allow coming to a low boil before reducing the heat to a simmer. Add plant milk of choice (i prefer coconut). Puree until soft and smooth. Add veggies and sumac to garnish. 

** If your tummy is not sensitive add cherry tomatoes into your veggies, or tomato paste into your broth! The same goes for garlic. 


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