6 Plants that are Healing My Gut

I just had a flare-up and I’ve been hyper-focusing on a handful of plants that have seriously helped with my healing journey. Now you may think I’m biased, but hear me out; I have very valid reasons for my love for these plants and why they help heal the body in their own, special ways.

So what’s the list of goodies?

Lentils: lentils are in the legume family and immediately (coming out of a flare-up) I reintroduced them. I blended and cooked the c*ap out of them because they play a massive role in the prevention of inflammatory disorders, especially the colon! They’re also a great source of protein, which is what I need to heal my body and restore strength.

Sweet potatoes: unless you have fructose intolerance, enjoy the sweet potato knowing that especially the purple one is a blue zone favorite in Japan! They’re Jamal packed with anti-inflammatory vitamins such as C and E, a good source of B (think serotonin), and high in potassium!

Whole grain oats: oats lower the risk of colon cancer. The beta-glucans in oats act as a prebiotic fiber, restoring your gut health by feeding the good bacteria the fiber it needs. Massive for IBS and IBD

Dark leafy greens: dark leafy greens filter toxins out of the body! Your liver needs support always, especially when unwell. Dark leafy greens help nourish with nutrients, iron, B, folate, potassium, and magnesium (the list goes on..) and keep you regular (cook if GI symptoms).

Ginger and turmeric: ginger helps with gastrointestinal motility? It encourages digestion! It can help process food, or move the digestion process along (great for peeps with constipation). And turmeric is an anti-inflammatory powerhouse especially added with black pepper.

Beets: beets are for blood building! Blood building is not only great for blood loss but also to repair and reactivate red blood cells which increases oxygen! They reduce inflammation and maintain a healthy gut lining.

So there you have it! A selection of delicious plants that target the more vulnerable elements of the body post-flare-up!


Recipe: Heart Opening & Energizing latte


RECIPE: Gut Healing Turmeric Veggie Soup